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Dubai Municipality Approved Contractor

We are a trusted Dubai Municipality-approved contractor, committed to delivering high-quality, compliant, and safe services. Our certification ensures that all projects, from installations to maintenance, meet the stringent standards set by the Dubai Municipality. Choose Voltronix for reliable, timely, and expertly executed services in Dubai.

Requirements to be a Dubai Municipality Certified Contractor

  • University Degree: A Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Architectural Engineering is mandatory.
  • Experience Certificate: A minimum of three years of relevant experience is required. This experience must be documented and attested by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs if it was not issued in the UAE.
  • UAE Society of Engineers Membership: Contractors must hold a valid membership with the UAE Society of Engineers.

The Dubai Municipality Approval Process: Step by Step

Essential Documents and Drawings for DM Approved Civil Contractor

Other Authority Approval

A DM approved Contractor is any firm that has been accredited by the Dubai Municipality to engage in construction, maintenance or engineering services, in the dully sanctioned manner that meets the Dubai Municipality requisite.

To ensure a contractor has approval status in Dubai Municipality, one can visit their official website database or contact the department to confirm from them.

Civil works, new buildings, residential and commercial construction, renovations, MEP installations and demolition projects in Dubai need contractors licensed by the Dubai Municipality.

Getting a contractor that works under the approval of the Dubai Municipality is important as it enhances your project compliance with the set safety, quality, and legal standards set by the Dubai Municipality hence do not go to court or extend you project duration.

Need help?

Shed 06, Aber Warehouse
Dubai Investment Park 02,
PO Box: 414345 , Dubai.
United Arab Emirates.

Mobile: +971 50 2420957
Email: [email protected]

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